Wondering why it takes a few days to receive your custom embroidered pocket polo shirts? You can order and receive a plain shirt from Amazon in 1-3 days but that isn't a custom item. What process is involved in producing custom embroidered shirts?
Your pocket polos are ordered and received - Most embroiderers order garments from their apparel supplier on a per-order basis. Most items are received in 1-2 days but delays can occur.
Your artwork is translated into a stitch file - A digitizer uses your artwork to create a stitch file. A digital proof is also created and sent to you for your approval. This process usually takes 1-2 days but it can take longer if edits are required.
Embroidery machine time - Machine time is scheduled once your garments are in stock and you've approved your embroidery set-up. An embroidery machine is prepped with the correct thread colors and stitch file information. Your shirts are embroidered.
Shirts are trimmed - Your shirts are trimmed, steamed and folded. They are organized by style, size and color.
Shirts are prepped for shipping - Your shirts are counted and packed. Your shipping label is prepared and tracking information is emailed to you. Your order is shipped.
Yes, ordering custom embroidered pocket polo shirts takes extra time. But, once you wear your shirts you can maintain a professional uniform appearance while advertising your business!
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