Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Your Embroidered Logo: Ready For an Update?

Time to order embroidered shirts for your business. In the past you've used your business name in a readable font. But now you're ready for a change. You told your embroiderer you need new artwork.  But wait... what does that mean? Are you looking for a slight update? Possibly a more modern-looking font? A brighter thread color? Or, are you ready to have your logo designed by a graphic artist?

Most embroiderers are happy to set-up your business name in an embroidery or true type font but having your logo designed requires the expertise of an experienced graphic designer. Are you ready to translate your business into an image that represents your business and speaks to the people you market to?

If yes, expect to work through numerous revisions while you refine a logo that exemplifies your business, is simple, memorable, unique and appeals to your potential customers. Create a version of the image that works in the formats you need - letterhead, email signature, web site logo, social icons, embroidered shirts - whatever media you use to represent your business locally and online. Develop a logo that represents what you do and speaks to your potential customers and you'll have an effective way to advertise your business!

For more tips on how to make the most out of your embroidered business logo see Embroidery News.

1 comment:

Mary Disuja said...

Superb Blog!!! I have read this and got informative points. Thanks for sharing...........custom embroidery