Monday, January 31, 2022

Your Embroidered Logo: Quick Tips

 Planning on having your new business logo set-up for embroidered button down shirts? Think you might want embroidered caps in the future? Have your logo set-up for hats if it has a horizontal orientation. Then, the same embroidery set-up can be used for both your shirts and caps.

Do the colors in an embroidered design need to match the colors in the artwork? No, the colors can be changed but it’s wise to see a proof showing the new colors against the right background color so you can see how the colors work together and how they contrast against the background.

Can T-shirts be embroidered? It depends on the size and amount of detail in the design. Left chest-sized logos are usually fine unless you embroider a very detailed design on a very thin T-shirt. Larger back designs generally won’t work. The embroidery may look good initially but may not lie flat after it’s washed. Keep the design small (under 6” wide) and locate it just below the collar if you must embroider the back of a T-shirt.

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